Welcome to Desert Gen2HTML Version 2.03 © 1996-1997 Terence M. Nichols Last updated 20 Apr 1997 16:18:04 by Terence Nichols This is an update release of DGen © a Scion © Genealogy Database to Hyper Text Markup Language page producing program for the Amiga © Computer. This program is not Public Domain although it has been released under a modified form of the GNU Public Licence as Shareware. Please read the Licence Agreement. Special thanks to Robbie J. Akins for creating Scion © and Neil Simmonds for inspiring me to finally complete version 2.0 of DGen2HTML and for his constructive comments during initial construction. This program is dedicated to my lovely Wife (Mandy). Who supplied me with meals, understanding and love etc. during the long days and nights that it has taken to rebuild DGen ©. DGen is an Arexx © program script and requires : Scion 4.09 © rexxtricks.library © rexxreqtools.library © The above can be found in the Aminet Amiga Archive in : biz/dbase/Scion409.lha util/rexx/RexxTricks_386.lha util/rexx/RexxReqTools.lha DGen has been completely rebuilt and has had many new features included. All configuration is via the DGen2HTML.rexx program icon. The major benefit of this new version of DGen © is the huge savings that are achieved by the redesign of the index and personal pages. NOTE : - Version 2.03 is a update due to a couple of major errors that were overlooked in earlier versions I appologise for any inconvenience. Version 2.03 now correctly handles multiple part SURNAMES. It was a gross error on my part that I failed to take this into concideration earlier and I thank Neil Simmonds for pointing this MAJOR ERROR out to me. NEW FEATURES : BIG PAGES : I have taken the opportunity to add the BIG PAGES option to this version of DGen. Big Pages gives the user the option of putting all the Scion information into the alphabetical index pages without creating the personal pages. Advantages : Maximum of 30 pages produced Less online storage requirements Disadvantages : Longer loading times for pages VIEW : Another minor addition is the VIEW option. This option when set to 1 will automatically load the DGen index page into Voyager-NG if Voyagers arexx port is available. Why did I add this option ? Well, it saves loading the page manually :-) Undocumented features (BUGS) should be reported to Terence Nichols at spinne@networx.net.au FEATURES : User definable colors for each page type User configurable Data Fields Data fields not displayed if empty User definable text and HTML code Before the quick index SURNAMES listing (prequick.txt) After the quick index SURNAMES listing (postquick.txt) In the main frame - This window (intro.txt) After the alphabetical NAMES listing (postindex.txt) After the Individual Page data (postpage.txt) Additional Text for Non Frames Based Browsers (noframes.txt) ICON TOOLTYPES REAL_NAME= Real Name ie. Terence Nichols EMAIL= email address ie. spinne@networx.net.au HOME_URL= URL ie. http://www.networx.net.au/~spinne/ HOME_PAGE= index.html FAMILY_NOTES= 1=ON 0=OFF include Scion Family Notes. PERSONAL_NOTES= 1=ON 0=OFF to include Scion Personal Notes. MAKE_GENDEX= 1=ON 0=OFF to create a GENDEX.txt file. FILE_EXTENSION= html or htm BACKGROUND_COLOR= any legal color TOP_BACKGROUND_COLOR= as above QUICK_BACKGROUND_COLOR= as above INDI_BACKGROUND_COLOR= as above ALPHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR= as above INTRO_BACKGROUND_COLOR= as above TEXT_COLOR= any color TOP_TEXT_COLOR= as above QUICK_TEXT_COLOR= as above INDI_TEXT_COLOR= as above ALPHA_TEXT_COLOR= as above INTRO_TEXT_COLOR= as above LINK= any legal color TOP_LINK= as above QUICK_LINK= as above INDI_LINK= as above ALPHA_LINK= as above INTRO_LINK= as above VLINK= any legal color TOP_VLINK= as above QUICK_VLINK= as above INDI_VLINK= as above ALPHA_VLINK= as above INTRO_VLINK=as above ALINK= any legal color TOP_ALINK= as above QUICK_ALINK= as above INDI_ALINK= as above ALPHA_ALINK= as above INTRO_ALINK= as above BACKGROUND_IMAGE= any legal background image including path TOP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE= as above QUICK_BACKGROUND_IMAGE= as above INDI_BACKGROUND_IMAGE= as above ALPHA_BACKGROUND_IMAGE= as above INTRO_BACKGROUND_IMAGE= as above BIRTH_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF BAPTISM_DATE= 1=ON 0=OFF BAPTISM_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF DEATH_DATE= 1=ON 0=OFF DEATH_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF BURIAL_DATE= 1=ON 0=OFF BURIAL_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF OCCUPATION= 1=ON 0=OFF EDUCATION= 1=ON 0=OFF RELIGION= 1=ON 0=OFF DIED_OF= 1=ON 0=OFF PERSONAL_COMMENT= 1=ON 0=OFF PERSONAL_REFERENCES= 1=ON 0=OFF ENGAGEMENT_DATE= 1=ON 0=OFF ENGAGEMENT_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF MARRIAGE_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF MARRIAGE_END_DATE= 1=ON 0=OFF MARRIAGE_END_PLACE= 1=ON 0=OFF CELEBRANT= 1=ON 0=OFF WITNESS= 1=ON 0=OFF FAMILY_COMMENT= 1=ON 0=OFF FAMILY_REFERENCES= 1=ON 0=OFF MARRIAGE_END_REASON= 1=ON 0=OFF META_KEY_WORDS= 1=ON 0=OFF INCLUDE_NOFRAMES= 1=ON 0=OFF PAGES_OUT_PATH= any legal output path VIEW= 1=ON 0 = OFF automatically loads index into Voyager BIG_PAGES= 1= ON (Big Indexes) 0 = OFF (Small Indexes plus Personal Pages) As you can see DGen © has many many new features. TO DO : Tighten up the program code to create a smaller faster executable. Add additional user options for the User Text Files : Date Time Database Name Email Address homepage address Localisation ????? Give the user additional configuration options : Font : Size Color Etc. You can download your copy of DGen2HTML V2.03 From : http://www.networx.net.au/~spinne/amibin/index.html". NOW. Remember, registration will ensure the continued development of this program and every registered user that puts there information online will be entitled to have a link from my Dgen Users page. Page created by Terence Nichols spinne@networx.net.au